Thursday, September 6, 2012

Summer is over...

It was a busy Summer and I was out and about quite a bit.... but back to work!  Over the next couple months I will be back on Less Talking. More Drawing on a regular basis with more Art.  I'm also re-doing my website ( and intend to move more of the events I list here onto there.  The goal is to get this blog back to what I think it should be... DRAWING!

In the meantime, I have a short animation title "PINWHEEL" in this year's TUFF (Toronto Urban Film Festival) which runs Sept 7-17, 2012.  You can check out my video online HERE.

If you live in Toronto, you can catch the festival on the TTC subway platforms.  My animation will be running in a 10 minute loop on September 7th.  If you're taking the subway that day,  look up and you can catch my silent animation about the changing face of Toronto.

Also,  you can now follow me on twitter:  @StephanieKervin.

Hope you had a great Summer... bring on Fall!